This is Breakfast With Dad, a collection of devotions on books of the Bible that I send out to over 150 friends and family members. I hope you will take time to read the most recent blog and maybe one of two from past offerings. If you have an interest in studying the Bible or have been thinking about starting a daily devotion, this would be a good place to begin. I started writing these devotions when my youngest son moved away from home and was having a hard time in his life. I used to fix him a hot breakfast every morning before school, so I decided to send him spiritual food instead to encourage his heart. I hope these "breakfasts" encourage you.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

2 Corinthians 8:10-15

2 Corinthians 8:10-15  And here is my advice about what is best for you in this matter: Last year you were the first not only to give but also to have the desire to do so.  Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means.  For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have.  Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but that there might be equality.  At the present time your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need.  Then there will be equality, as it is written: “He who gathered much did not have too much, and he who gathered little did not have too little.” 

Sometimes our hearts are in the right place, but we can't give much to the church or to people in need because we don't have sufficient funds to give.  However, under those circumstances, what we do give is totally acceptable because our hearts desire to give.  A Christian's attitude about giving is very important, for it reflects his maturity in Christ and his commitment to the body of Christ.  If Christians don't desire to help their church or fellow believers, then something is wrong with their brand of Christianity.  Since Christ served us, we should want to serve others.  If we are parsimonious in our giving, we definitely do not reflect God's generosity towards us, for He loved us so much that He willingly gave his only son.  Real love desires to give, and real giving requires sacrifice.  

Any close relationship depends on giving, either of ourselves or of our substance.  We cannot have a close family if we are unwilling to provide for each other.  Dads and moms cannot express unrelenting love to their children unless they are willing to unselfishly give of themselves.  So it is with the family of God: we cannot say we love the body of Christ and not share with others.  Love doesn't work that way, and especially the love of Christ doesn't work that way.  Our pastor often says that you should be giving somewhere, if not to our church, then to some other church or to people in need.  If you find yourself not giving to anyone outside of your family, you might be reflecting a self-centered world, a world revolving only around you and your wants and needs.  

In today's passage, Paul notes the Corinthians' eagerness to give to the destitute Jerusalem church.  Their desire was in the right place.  Now, Paul says they need to complete that aspiration by actually giving.  People sometimes say, "We should give to missionaries."  But then they don't.  "We should help the poor."  But then they don't.  Paul says, now finish the work.  Actually do it.  Good intentions don't complete the work.  Actions do.  Remember the old saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  James basically said, "Don't tell me how much faith you have in God; show me your faith by your works."  If you believe God loves the poor, then show it by helping the poor.  If you believe God wants missionaries, then show it by supporting them.  If you believe God intends for you to have a church to attend, then show it by your giving.  Giving of yourself or giving of your means validates your faith, confirms your belief in God.  

If you fail to serve or to give, you are basically living in unbelief and hypocrisy.  You are saying one thing, but you are living another.  Now, we are all tempted to do that at times, for the flesh is present in all of us.  However, let us not be so ready to state our Christian beliefs if our actions and how we use our money undermine our words, for we will be a disconcerting force in the world and not a constructive force.  We don't want our children and acquaintances to become religious in their words, and not to portray Christ in their lives.  We don't want them to attend church because it is a good thing; we want them to LIVE FOR GOD IN THE CHURCH AND IN THE WORLD, doing the works of Christ.  Therefore, children, let the Lord complete his work in you by giving as He leads you to give, freely and cheerfully to spread the gospel of Christ.

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