This is Breakfast With Dad, a collection of devotions on books of the Bible that I send out to over 150 friends and family members. I hope you will take time to read the most recent blog and maybe one of two from past offerings. If you have an interest in studying the Bible or have been thinking about starting a daily devotion, this would be a good place to begin. I started writing these devotions when my youngest son moved away from home and was having a hard time in his life. I used to fix him a hot breakfast every morning before school, so I decided to send him spiritual food instead to encourage his heart. I hope these "breakfasts" encourage you.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Hebrews 7:20-28

Hebrews 7:20-28 And it was not without an oath! Others became priests without any oath, but he became a priest with an oath when God said to him: “The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind: ‘You are a priest forever.’” Because of this oath, Jesus has become the guarantee of a better covenant. Now there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office; but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. Such a high priest meets our need — one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself. For the law appoints as high priests men who are weak; but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever.

Because Jesus' priesthood is permanent, He brings us into right standing with God forever. God will never cast us away, will never get tired of us, for He cannot tire of Jesus Christ, The Word, who is part of him. Therefore, God's oaths are forever: The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind: "You are a priest forever." God's words possess permanency beyond our understanding as finite people of many words, some remembered for a time and others quickly forgotten. The Bible says his words will never pass away. Heaven and Earth might pass away, but his words will never end. His creative power, his words, are never ending, eternal. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. (John 1:1-3) God creates through THE WORD. John 1 tells us God created all things through Jesus Christ. Therefore, in Christ, we are created anew, divinely appointed by God's words for life eternal. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Dear children who are in Christ, God knows each of us by name. Since we know Jesus, He knows us. Today He tells every believer: "You are MINE." In Christ, WE ARE HIS, and we experience the permanency of his oath, for our high priest, our propitiation for sin, is making intercession for us this very moment. He created us and makes us right with the Father as He perfects us for glory. Because of Jesus, God knows our names, and we boldly come before the throne of God with our petitions. We are no longer finite beings, lost in the nothingness of existence, caught in the universe on a speck called Earth, insignificant in all of our proportions. We are no longer wisps of smoke. No, we abide in Jesus, caught up in the presence of the Eternal One, who made all things. God's never changing word makes our lives significant and substantial. The worthless is made priceless by God our Father as Jesus, the Lamb, defends us. We cannot pass away and turn to dust, for God has made us the apple of his eye. We are in the center of God's will because Jesus is the center of his will. The Bible describes Jesus as the bright and Morning Star; He makes heaven sing and rejoice. As Peter stated, the Morning Star has risen in our hearts, and we bring great joy to the heavenlies. We are truly light and salt; angels rejoice in our salvation. As the children of God, we are the choice wine that Jesus created at the end of the banquet.

Children of God, regardless of your circumstances today, lift up your heads, for our redemption draws nigh. This world is not our home. This is not where we settle down, for this world has been contaminated by sin and will face judgment someday. The Bible says the world groans for deliverance from this oppression. We see situations that are not right: good people become ill and die; the righteous suffer; hunger, disease, and wars take the lives of the innocent. Yet the arrogant and the powerful get ahead in life; oftentimes the wicked live long lives while a righteous person might die early. Why? The world is contaminated, a poison patch where sin reigns. Confused by the conundrums of this world, the rational mind will never rise higher than this poison patch. But followers of Christ know the righteous shall live by faith, shall rise above the poison patch to another dimension with God in the spirit. We know Jesus came to save us, to deliver us. He has prepared a heavenly home for those who put their trust in him. God's oath is true: our permanent high priest will deliver us to his throne without spot or wrinkle. We will be with God himself forever. HE KNOWS HIS BELOVED CHILDREN BY NAME.

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