Hebrews 13:9-10 Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by ceremonial foods, which are of no value to those who eat them. We have an altar from which those who minister at the tabernacle have no right to eat.
Christians live at an altar of faith. We serve at this altar in the presence of God through faith in Christ our Lord. Under the old covenant, the altar of God was in the Holy of Holies where God's presence was so magnificent and righteous that the high priests fearfully entered only once a year to offer up sacrifices for the sins of the Israelites who were not worthy to be at this altar of faith. We who are IN CHRIST through the new covenant of faith enter into God's presence with boldness as we partake of Christ himself, his broken body and his shed blood. We can take on the nature of Christ and become more like him because of his finished work on the cross. We are always in relationship with God through the Holy Spirit who is in us and who reveals Christ to us. Through his great mercy, God loves us and makes us shine as the light of world. As the translucent gems that make up the body of Christ, we shine forth his unconditional love and marvelous grace to the world.
The cults: Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, and the like, continue to build their altars in this world. They establish holy places, set up hierarchies, institute exclusive words and regulations, and some even wear holy clothes. These cults go back to the beggarly elements of the world to please God They make divisions between their own people as they deem some more holy than others and excommunicate or shun others who do not fulfill their expectations. For some reason, these false religions with their manmade altars of the flesh attract foolish and stubborn people. Carnally minded people either ignore God or with a "give me the rules and let me do it" attitude, they try to please him through the flesh. Notice the I in that spirit. In ourselves without Christ, we cannot see God.
In our fallen state, outside of his mercy and grace, we cannot experience God's presence and enter into his kingdom. Jesus Christ alone pleases God. He is our living sacrifice: by faith we serve at his altar. Jesus is the door, the entrance to God's dwelling place. No matter how beautiful or how humble, no earthly edifice will ever bring God to us or us to him. We can lift up all the "holy men," we desire, but without Christ as their Savior, Lord, and King, their righteousness is filthy rags. The Old Testament Law showed us that we can never please God in the flesh. The mirror of the Law showed mankind as natural law-breakers unable to obey and to serve God regardless of his many blessings. Outside of Christ and complete surrender to him, mere religion does not free us from sin or make us right with God. Only Jesus Christ paid the price to make us joint heirs with him and sons and daughters of our Father God.
Therefore, turn your eyes upon Jesus, worship him, and give him glory. He is your salvation, your life, your everything. Outside of him, you have nothing; in him you have freedom from sin and eternal life. Christ is the altar of grace and mercy. You no longer have to approach God in fear and trembling, for He has given you the right to come boldly into his throne room. He has called you into his presence to present your petitions, knowing you have a High Priest seated at the Father's right hand, making intercession for you. Do not go back to the beggarly elements of this world. Do not run after cultish ideas of establishing your righteousness in the flesh. Do not be double-minded, but live wholeheartedly for Jesus. As you lean heavily on Jesus, He will give you victory over sin and joy in living as He makes you pleasing to God and righteous in his eyes. Now, live a life for him and let your light shine for all to see.
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