John 12:17-19 Now the crowd that was with him when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from the dead continued to spread the word. Many people, because they had heard that he had given this miraculous sign, went out to meet him. So the Pharisees said to one another, “See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!”
No threat of persecution, no opposition could stop the crowd of people who actually heard Jesus say, Take away the stone. They listened as He turned his face upward toward heaven saying, Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me. In wonderment, they heard him say in a loud voice, Lazarus, come out! They saw a dead man come forth after four days in the grave with his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. They spread this news as eye witnesses that the man Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. These people could not contain this good news: they told this story of resurrection wherever they went. Witnessing such an amazing miracle empowered them with energy and focus to share this report about Jesus with others. They could not stop recounting the story. The Pharisees quickly realized the whole world has gone after him!
Miracles are not just old tales but current events. How joyful our churches would be if stories of Jesus' transforming power filled our pews on Sunday mornings. We would not contentedly sit and listen to the sermon after singing a few songs with heart-felt energy, hearing the announcements, and receiving the offering. We would excitedly await our turn to say, "Let me tell you my miracle!" We would want to interrupt and tell everyone the new revelation, the new happening in our lives. We would want Jesus' resurrection power exposed so everyone could know the wonderful and mighty things Christ is doing. Then we would be known as the body of Christ in action. A body does not merely lie there inanimate with few victories and life experiences. From him [Christ] the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (Ephesians 4:16) The church should be a powerful, energetic, miracle-working body, performing the will of God--producing a hundred-fold, not theoretically, but powerfully and practically, with signs and wonders in a hurting world. If the body of Christ functioned in this way, a fallen and desperate world would want to see this Jesus of miracles. The world would come to us, saying, We would like to see Jesus. (John 12:21) Lately the pastors at our small church have interrupted the services for testimonies and new life fills the room when people share, such as a dear lady who came in seven months ago a raging alcoholic and found mercy and grace at the cross of Christ. She went through what she calls a "week of hell" in withdrawal with Jesus at her side and has been free ever since. She shines with the light of his love, constantly giving thanks. Praise the name of the Lord God Almighty!
How do we become a miracle church? In basketball terms, we stop playing on the court-of-life where the devil wants up to play. We take every sweet spot on the court away from him. When he wants to go to those places where he scores every time against us, we get there first and take the shot away from him by trusting in the power of the Lord and not in ourselves. We say, "You can't have that victory spot in my life anymore. I reclaim that territory in Jesus' name. Christ's grace is sufficient for me." When the enemy harasses us or pushes us around, we take away his evil advantage by passing the ball to Jesus because He runs a strong offense. As soon as we are ready and in a better place to score because we have grown in grace and the knowledge of the Lord, Jesus passes the ball back to us. That is how we win in the game of life; that is how we allow miracles to surpass defeats. If we allow Jesus to take control and change us, there will be more rejoicing over victories and less complaining about problems. When we stop letting the devil set the agenda for the day and control our lives, we will see a lot more peace, joy, and love, much more fruit of the Spirit. We will have power through the Holy Spirit to avoid the places on the court where the enemy rules and has been successful in the past. We can take up a firm position of faith on the spots on the court where we score every time: meditation, prayer, fasting, praise, fellowship, service, and so much more. Sounds difficult, but it isn't. The essence of the game is FAITH IN CHRIST: He is our source, our power, our strength when we have none. Read the Word: it tells us to pray always, give thanks, trust, believe, endure, hope. We find courage to declare, I can do everything through him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13) When we are in control of the court through faith in Christ our Lord, we win! Praise God forever!